Wednesday, November 19, 2008

GSHS on FACEBOOK! Two groups to check out

There are at least two Facebook groups now that may interest GSHS Class of 81:

1. Garner High Class of 1981 on Facebook - CLICK to view or join our group!

2. Potluck Social Group on Facebook & related Potluck on Dec. 5 - This is a separate Facebook group started by GSHS alumni Michelle Carlisle, to facilitate occasional potluck gatherings. This is for all alumni regardless of year. CHECK IT OUT!
****The first gathering will be Dec. 5 and details will appear on the Facebook group, so join the group for details and plan to attend if you are in the area!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

RIP Mary Ann Kyles Ingram, 1963-2008

(This notice updated 11/1/2008)
Mary Ann (Kyles) Ingram passed away on October 30, 2008, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. She was diagnosed in August of 2006 (just before the class held it's 25th reunion) with Stage IV colon cancer.

Mary Ann leaves behind her husband, J.W. Ingram (attended high school in Greensboro) and six children, ages 6 to 19, plus also her mother (Barbara Kyles of Raleigh), two brothers (Charles "Chip" Kyles of Raleigh and Robert Kyles of Middlesex), one sister (Kari Kyles Britt of Raleigh), sister-in-law Amanda (wife of Robert), loving nieces and a nephew plus many close friends and extended relatives. She was preceded in death by her father, Lewis Lee Kyles (in 1984) and her brother Lewis Lee Kyles Jr. (in 1988).

Full obituary is HERE.
Some other photos and remembrances are HERE on the GSHS81 web site.

Plans are:
Visitation on Sunday November 2 in Matthews, NC (near Charlotte)
2:00 to 5:00 pm
Morning Star Lutheran Church, to be held at the chapel (1/2 mile from main buiding)
Chapel is located at 12900 Idlewild Road, Matthews, North Carolina 28105

Funeral and interment of ashes on Saturday November 8 in Garner, NC
2:00 pm
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
2100 Buffaloe Rd, Garner, NC 27529

Anyone wishing to send cards or letters to the family - please write to me and I will get you the addresses. (

FROM THE OBITUARY: In Lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 2100 Buffaloe Rd, Garner, NC 27529 or to the UNC Lineberger Cancer Center, CB #7295, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7295 to support colon cancer research.
(ADDENDUM FROM TRACY: If you contribute to Lord of Life you can mark the contribution "Ingram Fund" and in that case the donation will go to the family to help offset the tremendous medical expenses they have had in the last 2+ years.)


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

NEW site for GSHS Class of 1981 News

Thanks to Tracy (Rowe) Comer for doing the new Web site. She has a wonderful tribute to Sallie and other news that I've posted to the blog, too. We hope to start communicating more within the group.

Have a great week!

Does anyone know if Michael Herndon was found?

Published: Dec 29, 2007 12:30 AM
Modified: Dec 29, 2007 02:41 AM

Wake seeks help with missing man

RALEIGH - The Wake County Sheriff's Office is seeking the public's assistance in locating Michael David Herndon of 9309 Daffodil Drive, Raleigh. Herndon was last seen Christmas Eve.

He was driving a black 2003 Ford Ranger pickup with North Carolina license plate number VXX-1693.

Herndon is a 45. He is 5-feet-7 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds.

Anyone who has seen Herndon or knows of his whereabouts is asked to call the Wake County Sheriff's Office, 856-6911.

All rights reserved. This copyrighted material may not be published, broadcast or redistributed in any manner.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Classmate Sallie Jordan Rohrbach Remembered

New links 5/26/2008 -- We remember Sallie as a class:
(posted by Tracy Rowe Comer)

Please keep Sallie's husband Tim, her family and friends in your prayers.

Sallie's body has been found

5/21/08 - from

5/21/08 - from N&O

FUNERAL will be held on Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 3 pm at Thomas Funeral Home; 401 North Ennis Street; Fuquay Varina. Phone Number for the funeral home is 552-4171. Visitation will be on Saturday at Thomas Funeral Home from 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm.
Visit Guest Book for Sallie Jordan Rohrbach

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rick D. Wallace's mother passed away May 19

Rick D. Wallace (wrestler Ricky's) mom passed away on May 19. The funeral is May 22 at 2 p.m. See obituary in the N&O at

Rick and Fredda's address is 5024 Salem Ridge Road, Holly Springs, NC 27540.

(Posted by Tracy Comer from Sherry's email)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cinco de Mayo Superball Golf Tournament Planned

Attention: GSHS Class of 1981 Members/Golfers/Friends

In the interest of fun and fellowship, which is the cornerstone of our class, we have scheduled a Cinco de Mayo Superball Golf Tournament for Monday, May 5, 2008 at Eagle Ridge Golf Club beginning with a 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. Please plan to arrive between 11:30 and 12:00, to register, warm up, and maybe have a quick lunch (not included in fees) before play begins.

Don't let the 5th of May be just another Manic Monday. Put together a team, check out of work early (or heck, take the day off), and come enjoy some good times with old friends chasing a little white ball around. Who knows, maybe your team will go low and win something.

The format will be a four-person superball event. The greens fee is $33 per player, which includes a cart fee and a range token, plus all players will be required to enter $20 into a prize pool and mulligans will be sold for $5 each (maximum of 3 mulligans per player). Mulligans will be treated as a donation to our class.

The winning team will receive 30% of the hat pool, 2nd place- 25%, 3rd & 4th place-15% each, 5th place- 10%, and 6th place will receive 5%, divided evenly amongst team members. This is a fund-raiser for our class, with the first $150 in donations-- from mulligan sales-- going to our class flower fund and the balance going towards the general fund. So, for just $68, you get to come play golf with old friends & take 3 mulligans, celebrate Cinco de Mayo, do a little something for your class, and have a chance to win some cash. What a deal!!

Register your team by contacting Mike Stephenson at no later than April 25, 2008. The first 30 teams to register will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. There will also be a short waiting list of three teams, in the event of any cancellations, determined by the order of registration.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Flower Fund

Thanks to Sherry for setting up the new address and always keeping us connected. I'm grateful she has expanded the role of "projects director" to include "communications officer"! I'm sure she could use support with the web page, so if you have experience and time, let her know!!

The most recent project Sherry has coordinated is the sending of messages of sympathy from the Class of 81. We have chosen to send a wreath, other floral arrangement or family requested donation when a class mate passes away and a card to the class mate when they lose a spouse or parent. Originally, we paid for this from the regular Class of 81 reunion fund and accepted donations to cover the cost after purchase. Because of concerns this could quickly deplete our reunion fund, I have now set up a "flower fund" and will manage it separately from our reunion money. If you are interested in seeing any of the class financial spreadsheets, let me know.

Thank you to everyone who has already donated to the flower fund!! I am always inspired by the generosity and willingness to share of our class mates! Any future donations can be made payable to GSHS Class of 1981 and sent to me at 6220 Rock Quarry Road, Raleigh 27610.

If you hear of any deaths, have any suggestions about what to send or if you would like to handle the purchase of flowers or sending of a card just let Sherry know! We have an account at Garner florist, so the invoice is mailed to me and paid from the class funds.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer. Stay safe and lets not need to use the flower fund for a loooooonnnnnnngggggg time!!

Warmly, Donna Wilkinson Hardin

Welcome to the GSHS Class of 1981 Blog

Welcome to the first posting.....tell our classmates. This blog will be a way for everyone to post (I think) what is going on with them.

I'm still working on collecting accurate e-mail addresses from everyone.

See the message above that I posted from Donna Wilkinson Hardin - our treasurer!